Luke Aikins
Luke has been pushing the bounds of human flight for more than 28 years and is an acclaimed skydiver, commercial airplane and helicopter pilot, film stuntman, innovator and coach. While he has more than 21,000 skydives and 8,750 flight hours, his main purpose is constant professional growth and aiding in the development of others to leverage their full potential.
Aviation is in Luke’s blood. He was surrounded by a family full of pilots and skydivers and raised on a private airport where his grandfather founded a skydiving center in the ‘60s after returning from the war as a P-47 pilot. In fact, Luke made his first skydive and earned his pilot’s license at age 16.
With an ongoing desire to advance the industry, Luke devotes much of his time to research and development of equipment and flying techniques. The skilled skydiver lent his expertise and skillset to developing technologically advanced systems for the highly publicized Red Bull Stratos mission in 2012. He designed, built, and tested the equipment used for the project that saw Felix Baumgartner successfully jump from 128,000 feet. Luke also invented a one-of-a-kind device that deployed parachutes and drogue chutes based on the G-forces and time of exposure.
In addition to innovation and performing demonstrations globally with the Red Bull Air Force, Luke trains celebrities and military personnel with cutting-edge skydiving techniques while also acting as a Hollywood stuntman. He has coordinated scenes in blockbusters such as Iron Man 3, Godzilla, the Fast and Furious franchise, Ant-Man 2 and more. He has also served as aerial photographer and cinematographer for some of these productions.
On top of Luke’s already impressive list of accomplishments is a historic record-breaking jump on live TV where he intentionally dove from 25,000 feet with no parachute, successfully landing within a 100ft. x 100ft. specially designed net. Luke also concepted and oversaw Red Bull Aces, a four-cross head-to-head wingsuit slalom race.
Today, Luke and his cousin and fellow Red Bull Air Force teammate Andy Farrington share a 40-acre property in Washington with an airplane hangar and grass runway where they are raising their children the same way they were raised: flying and skydiving.
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